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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

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Adaptation of the concept of ecological immunology to crop protection : Rosaceae and Solanaceae, two case studies



6-year project, for a total budget of 2,998,024 euros, including 51,840 euros for GRANEM.



The objective of the CAP ZERO PHYTO project is to propose new crop protection strategies based on the combined use of immune levers to modulate crop defense mechanisms. Six immune levers will be explored alone and in combination: genetic resistance, service plants, biocontrol solutions with SDP action (plant defense stimulation), UV-C flashes, mechanical stress and nitrogen supply. Apple and tomato will be used as model crops, with their main pests, before transition to other Rosaceae (peach and strawberry) and Solanaceae (bell pepper).

The Granem will intervene in one of the tasks of WP5 by carrying out surveys among tomato and apple growers on the acceptability of innovative levers for pesticide reduction proposed by agronomists.



Funded by the l'ANR Program «Investissements d’avenir», call for projects «Cultiver et protéger autrement»
