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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Separated by coma


Investments, insurance and new risks



Project leader for the GRANEM: Serge Blondel
Duration: 5 years
Amount allocated: € 4,000

Associated laboratories:
GAINS (Economy - Le Mans)
LMM (Mathematics - Le Mans)
LEMNA (Economy - Nantes)
GRANEM (Economics and Management - Angers)
LAREMA (Mathematics - Angers)
AUDENCIA Research (Economics and Management, Nantes)
ESSCA Knowledge (Economy and Management, Angers)



PANORisk (Investments, Insurance and New Risks) research program aims to develop decision support tools in the areas of insurance savings, investment savings, risk management related to aging, health, energy transition, climate, economic, political and financial crises, and the credibility of financial institutions.

This research is multidisciplinary, associating economists, mathematicians and managers.


With the founds of Région Pays de la Loire,PANORisk’s main objective is to develop and design tools to help decision makers in the area of savings plan, management of potential risks related to the issues of aging, health, climate change, economic, political and financial crisis or else financial institutions credibility. PANORisk promotes the interdisciplinary scientific research by merging mathematicians, economists and management.

There are three axes of research:

Axis 1: Develop methods for measuring individual / collective risks.

Axis 2: To model optimal hedging, investment and investment strategies in a risky economic world.

Axis 3: Reports on the interactions between different decision-makers, taking into account the regulation.


For more information.
