2020 Doctors
Integration and segregation of immigrants in the labor market
Intégration et ségrégation des immigrés sur le marché du travail
Thesis director : MORENO-GALBIS Eva
Thesis defended on 25/05/2020 - Information and summary
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The role of culture in urban dynamics. Economic analysis of cultural amenities
Le rôle de la culture dans les dynamiques urbaines. Analyse économique des aménités culturelles
Thesis director : SAGOT-DUVAUROUX Dominique
Thesis defended on 21/01/2020 - Information and summary
2019 Doctors
Economic evaluation of the image of a tourist destination
Evaluation économique de l'image d'une destination touristique
Thesis director : LEGOHEREL Patrick
Thesis defended on 17/12/2019 - Information and summary
The Influence of Economic and Social Factors in Accounting Developments in Argentina: A Study of the Transition to IFRS
L'influence des facteurs économiques et sociaux dans l'évolution comptable en Argentine : étude de la transition vers les IFRS
Thesis director : KUSZLA Catherine
Thesis defended on 11/12/2019
The stakes of individual and collective emotional work in multinational hotel groups: The complexity of emotional balance at the service of organizational homeostasis
Les enjeux du travail émotionnel individuel et collectif dans les groupes hôteliers multinationaux : La complexité de l’équilibre émotionnel au service de l’homéostasie organisationnelle
Thesis director : PEYRAT-GUILLARD Dominique et DUMOULIN Régis
Thesis defended on 18/09/2019 - Information and summary
The impact of intellectual capital on corporate performance: the case of the BRICS countries
L’impact du capital intellectuel sur la performance des entreprises : cas des pays BRICS
Thesis director : ESCAFFRE Lionel
Thesis defended on 05/07/2019 - Information and summary
Revenue Management Pricing: from measuring perceived unfairness to validating a "Fairness Based Pricing" model
La tarification par le revenue management : de la mesure de l’injustice perçue à la validation d’un modèle de « Fairness Based Pricing »
Thesis director : CAMUS Sandra
Thesis defended on 01/07/2019 - Information and summary
Usage value of a mobile application and impact on the relationship at the point of sale: the case of shopping assistance applications
Valeur d’usage d’une application mobile et impact sur la relation au point de vente : le cas des applications d’aide à l’achat
Thesis director : PANTIN-SOHIER Gaëlle
Thesis defended on 01/02/2019
Cultural and Creative Clusters in the Spatiotemporal Continuum:
An Evolutionary Perspective Dubai Art and Design Districts as a Case Study
Thesis director : SAGOT-DUVAUROUX Dominique
Thesis defended on 10/01/2019 - Information and summary
Archives 2010-2018
List of all the thesis defended between 2010 & 2018. In French.