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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Separated by coma

Presentation of the Chair

The Rules and Markets Chair was established to promote the development of research on financial regulation. Financial regulation which questions the effectiveness of public or para public (independent administrative authorities) in the field of banking and financial markets and more generally, the analysis of new regulations put in place in response to the liberalization process and financial crisis. The state of the financial intermediaries’ economics knowledge base (type, features, procyclicality) is then highlighted.


Some of the work carried out by the Chair will assess the impact of new regulations on financial intermediaries in terms of a competition distortion, actors’ strategies, macroeconomic developments (concentration, pro-cyclicality), and supervision problems.


These questions are intended to measure the effectiveness of regulation of financial markets tend toward a reflection on how to control and regulate risky financial instruments.

The Rules and Markets Chair aims to launch simultaneously:

  • Applied research,
  • The practical implementation of the research and the results of the studies in terms of tools.


The Chair coordinates:

  • The incorporation of professionals into training courses related to technical financial regulations
  • The development of research theses on Industrial Convention Research Training (CIFRE: theses produced by companies)
  • The creation of an annual revue called "Rules and Markets" published by the Presses Universitaires d'Angers.


The Rules and Market Chair is attached to the GRANEM (Research Group Angevin Economics and Management). GRANEM responds to the status of UMR-MA (UMR).


The Chair's partners


The Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes d'Angers, represented by its Chairman Philippe HUET, has been a partner of the Chair since its creation on November 16, 2009.


The Ordre des Experts Comptables des Pays de la Loire, represented by its president Yannick MURZEAU, has been a partner of the Chair since its creation on November 16, 2009.


The Becouze law firm, represented by its managing director Loïc De SAINT GEORGE, has been a partner of the Chair since September 1, 2010.


The law firm FIDACO, represented by Florence SCOUPE, has been a partner of the Chair since January 28, 2014.


TGS France is the Soregor Group's brand dedicated to the audit, consulting and legal activities. Partner of the chair since September 1st, 2014, TGS France is represented by Sophie DELSAUX and Sylvain BEGENNE.


The Nexia Y Group, represented by Emmanuel BOQUIEN, has been a partner of the Chair since January 1, 2018.


The French Federation of Pluridisciplinary Firms, represented by Bernard GAINNIER, has been a partner of the Chair since June 2, 2020.

FIDUCIAL Expertise Angers, represented by Jean-Claude LEIBOLT, has been a partner of the Chair since July 15, 2020.

