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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Separated by coma

Rules and Markets Chair


Date: Installation on 16th November 2009

Chair Leader: Lionel ESCAFFRE

Budget: € 44,000




  • Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes d’Angers,
  • Ordre des Experts Comptables des Pays de la Loire,
  • Chartered accountants and auditors Becouze,
  • Groupe d’expertise comptable, sociale et audit d’Angers,
  • Chartered accountants and auditors Cifralex,
  • Chartered accountants and auditors FIDACO,
  • Chartered accountants and auditors Soregor,



The Rules and Markets Chair is intended to promote the development of research related to financial regulation. Financial regulation questions the effectiveness of public or para-public interventions (independent administrative authorities) in the field of financial and banking markets and, more generally, the analysis of new regulations introduced in response to the liberalization process and Financial crisis.

It is then necessary to highlight the state of knowledge on the economics of financial intermediaries (typology, specificities, new risks).

Some work can estimate the impact of new regulations on financial intermediaries in terms of: distortion of competition, stakeholder strategies, macroeconomic developments (concentration, pro-cyclicity), supervision problems.

This reflection is intended to measure the effectiveness of the financial market regulation measures by tending towards a reflection on the modalities of control and regulation of financial instruments at risk.

The Rule and Markets Chair aims to jointly launch:

• applied research,

• the practical implementation of their research and the results of their studies in terms of tools.

It is also for the Chair Rules and Markets:

• involve professionals in training related to financial regulation techniques,

• develop research theses in the Industrial Research Training Convention (CIFRE: theses carried out in companies),

• to create an annual review "Rules and Markets" published by the University Press of Angers.

The Rules and Markets Chair is attached to GRANEM
