AAPRO ChairThis chair focuses on the integration of alternative proteins in food with the aim of expanding protein sources and reducing environmental impact. Manager : Gaëlle Pantin-Sohier, University of Angers
BBSAINBBSAINBBSAIN - BaBy and Food Health, Innovations and Impact of Natural Ingredients Official name : BéBé et Santé Alimentaire, Innovations et impact des Ingrédients NaturelsProduct innovations for healthy...
CAP ZERO PHYTOCAP ZERO PHYTOAdaptation of the concept of ecological immunology to crop protection : Rosaceae and Solanaceae, two case studies 6-year project, for a total budget of 2,998,024 euros, including 51,840...
CHIRSCHIRSConfluences Health ICAT Research Seminar Managed by Thierry Cailleau, lecturer in economics scienceAs part of an "Amorçage" funding, by the MSH Ange-Guépin SummaryL'administration de la santé et...
CRI-KEECRI-KEEConsumption and representations of insects - State of knowledge on their edibility in EuropeConsommation et représentations des insectes - Etat des connaissances sur leur comestibilité en Europe...
DEIPDEIP project (Design Edible Insect Products), led by Gaëlle PANTIN-SOHIER, to enhance the food consumption experience of a discontinuous innovation represented by insects in food.
DEXinnovDeveloping a multi-criteria analysis tool to increase the performance of innovations in the horticultural sector: an analysis from the upstream end of the value chain to the consumer.
DIGI-PMEThis PULSAR project aims to study the digital strategies suited for convenience stores, in order to meet new consumer expectations.
INPRO Innovations and New Practices in OrganizationsIn the current context of societal transition, how can organizations (co)build innovative practices?
NEWTSNEWTSNudges for Economics of Water Tariffs Water JPI Joint Call (Step2)Network - WaterWorks2017Call - Water JPI 2018 Joint Call Closing the Water Cycle GapProject manager: Michel PAUL (Centre d'Economie...
PAICPAICPAckaging and Ingredients, Consummer's Perception Project's title : « Presence of ingredient information in graphic or text form on the front of the package (the packaging): impact on the evaluation...
PANORiskPANORiskInvestments, insurance and new risks Project leader for the GRANEM: Serge BlondelDuration: 5 yearsAmount allocated: € 4,000Associated laboratories:GAINS (Economy - Le Mans)LMM (Mathematics -...
PREDICTPREDICTResearch and Evaluation Project of Interactive Cultural and Tourist Devices The project PREDICT (Research and Evaluation Project of Interactive Cultural and Tourist Devices) is supported by two...
REECAPREECAP Research network on Economic Experiments for the Common Agricultural Policy Two years project funded by the Institut d’Etudes Européennes et Globales - Alliance Europa as part of the call for project...
RELIGNRELIGNRéseau Ligérien des chercheurs SHS en NumériqueNetwork of Ligérien HSS Researchers in Digital DescriptionThe strong development of digital technology has changed the organization of society. Now...
RESET - Networks, cultural scenes, technological scenes: training effects and measurementRESETNetworks, cultural scenes, technological scenes: training effects and measurement The RESET research project is a study into how the formal and informal networks, woven between the stakeholders of...
Rules and Markets ChairTo promote the development of research related to financial regulation.Chair Leader: Lionel ESCAFFRE
SCAENASCAENACultural Scenes, Atmospheres and Urban Transformations Cultural and creative activities are at the heart of the profound changes that are currently affecting urban societies, their territories and...
The Green Finance Research HubIt brings together a powerful coalition of leading researchers from business, management and finance disciplines, enhanced further by inter-disciplinary ties to entrepreneurial finance and sustainability.
The role of art libraries in the dissemination of contemporary artThe role of art libraries in the distribution of contemporary artLe rôle des artothèques dans la diffusion de l’art contemporain Project coordinator: Dominique SAGOT-DUVAUROUX Funding: ADRA - Association...
The XXIst century bankerThis 2021 project associates the laboratories Centre Jean Bodin and Granem (UA), as well as Themis (Univ. Maine) and is organized around several events (afterclass, conference, symposium).