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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Separated by coma


Benefits and acceptability of alternative proteins



This chair focuses on the integration of alternative proteins in food with the aim of expanding protein sources and reducing environmental impact.

It aims to strengthen scientific expertise, enrich the training of future agri-food industry executives and support companies in the Loire region that wish to move towards this transition by proposing a systemic approach integrating all the players (from producer to distributor) and based on a user-centered approach in order to respond precisely to consumers' needs.

This project aims, in fine, to improve the competitiveness of regional companies by adapting the offer of new products to the demand of consumers who are sensitive to the environmental impact of their food, and who are looking for products with health and environmental benefits but also hedonic and gustatory.

The originality of this project lies in the global approach it implements by placing the customer at the center of the innovation process in order to best satisfy his various needs. This chair targets all the players in the region by focusing on understanding the evolution of food trends among consumers and proposing an adapted offer (study of needs, product formulation and implementation of a product offer).
This strategy allows companies to gain responsiveness and consumer loyalty while having a positive environmental and societal impact.




Gaëlle Pantin-Sohier, University of Angers


To help the Chair
