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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

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WORKSHOP “Beyond Creative Cities – People, Places, Innovation”

Nantes 1st-2nd of April, 2021



The “Beyond Creative Cities” workshop will take place on 8-10th of October 2020 in Nantes. It is organized by the SCAENA (supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche) and DEMEXTRA (supported by PUCA – Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture) research programs. It will be held as part of the "Nantes, European Capital of Innovation" event organized by Nantes Metropole which has been awarded European Capital of Innovation for 2019 notably for its capacity to involve citizens in co-shaping the city. This workshop aims to gather researchers, professionals, public and private organizations, and to address the questions of innovation models, the relationship between artistic activities and digital technologies, the territorial innovation and the making of the city.


Extended abstracts may be submitted in French or English (but the conference will be in English) and should not exceed 3,000 words.

Papers should be sent to the following e-mail address (clemence.guillemont @ or directly to this link


Download the Call for papers (pdf)
For more information


Overall, this first international workshop questions the future of creative cities: what were they? What will they become? The following themes may be concerned by the call:

Geography of creativity;
Measuring Creativity;
Creativity in the peripheries;
Dynamic of artistic entrepreneurship;
Local and global value chain of entrepreneurship;
Networks, communities and innovation;
Role of middlegrounds as cross-specialization platforms;
Creative Cluster lifecycle and resilience;
Models of urban innovation;
Cultural and Creative Industries, smart specialization and inequalities;
Art, technology and gentrification;
Makers and Artists in the City;
Dynamics of urban scenes (cultural, tech, food, musical, etc);
Industrial policy related to creative and artistic sectors;
Cultural participation and citizen involvement;
Economics and Management of transitions;
Urban design, urban planning and creative activities;
Commons and urban innovation
