The GRANEM (ANgevin Research Group in Economics and Management) is a multidisciplinary research team (economics and management) of the University of Angers, attached to the CNRS Federation n°3435 TEPP (Travail, Emploi et Politiques Publiques/Labor, Employment and Public Policies). This team gathers about 60 professors-researchers, 40 PhD students, and 4 administrative agents.
Director : Sandra CAMUS |
Assistant director : Xavier PAUTREL |
Assistant director of the graduate school (EDGE) : Serge BLONDEL |
Axis 1: Food, Environmental and Organizational Challenges
Axis 2: Tourism, Culture and Digital Issues
Axis 3: Strategic Mutations, Risks and Financial Sustainability
Axis 1: Food, Environmental and Organizational Challenges
This first axis focuses on food, environmental and organizational challenges with respect to current and future societal issues, in particular from the perspective of sustainable development and ecosystem preservation. At the level of stakeholder systems, it studies the dynamics, viability and performance of organizations, production systems and supply chains, while questioning the role of public policies. At the organizational level, it analyzes new organizational and collaborative practices conditioned by societal changes (changes in work and employment, digitalization, corporate social responsibility, etc.). The aim is to understand, explain and measure the influences of new working conditions (influences on the quality of life at work, social exchange in work configurations, transmission and capitalization of knowledge and know-how, etc.) as well as the support approaches implemented by organizations. At the consumer level, the research in this area deals with the concerns of individuals with respect to food and environmental challenges, both for adults and children. This research questions the experiences, representations, perceptions and decision-making in terms of food choices, purchases and consumption practices. This, taking into account the strategies adopted by organizations and industries (food in particular) in terms of supply (product, packaging, labelling, price), distribution and communication.
Teams leaders | |
Marianne LEFEBVRE |
Axis 2: Tourism, Culture and Digital Issues
This axis aims to analyze the transformations of tourism, culture and digital technology at the macro (markets and public policies), meso (organizations) and micro (stakeholders) levels. With regard to territorialized governance and new methods of public management, the role played by cultural and creative activities on local development is questioned: induced effects on tourism, the attractiveness of territories, the creation of specific atmospheres, creative and innovation dynamics in cultural clusters. This axis also deals with the specificities and changes operating on creative and touristic work (evolution of practices and professions, managerial norms and values), on atypical forms of employment and organization (entrepreneurship, intermittence, precariousness) and on the resulting supply strategies (product innovation, business models and value capture). Then, the objective of this axis is to analyze consumers and their experiences (clients, audiences, users, tourists, travelers) with respect to major digital and societal transformations. From the possession of goods to access on digital platforms; from an offer based on a logic of equipment to one based on an event logic; from a policy of massification to one of segmentation and personalization; so many dynamics that disrupt the experiences of people. The issue of digital technology is also addressed and questioned by the SHS researchers of this axis from the perspective of new business models (platforms, attention economy, open data, etc.), new technical devices and the massification of data (artificial intelligence, machine learning, human-machine interaction, big data, connected objects, etc.).
Teams leaders | |
Axis 3: Strategic Mutations, Risks and Financial Sustainability
This axis focuses on the adaptations of financial market structures -in a broad sense- engendered by the adoption of the United Nations' agenda on sustainable development in September 2015. It particularly concerns public policy initiatives concerning sustainable development and the environment of low, or even negative, interest rates, which have impacted both the governance and the financing of the economy. Thus, national (PACTE law) and supra-national (European Green Pact) strategies have stimulated companies, financial institutions and institutional investors to build their credibility as creators of long-term wealth. Under this implicit pressure linked to the risks inherent to a sustainable development strategy (climate risk, ESG risk, liquidity risk, default risk, regulatory risk), the market has rapidly adopted innovative financial instruments (green and impact debt, mini-bonds, retirement savings products), leading to a transformation of investor and financial intermediary behaviors, combined with new financial practices (seed capital, Initial Coin Offering-ICO). Such a paradigm shift entails challenges in terms of financial stability, regulation, as well as voluntary standards (IFRS, development of performance indicators and ESG rating systems) and the repositioning of the shareholder-state through strategic changes in industrial structures and institutions.
Teams leaders | ||
Diana POP |
GRANEM | Université d'Angers
Faculté de droit, d'économie et de gestion
13 allée François Mitterrand
BP 13633
Phone :
00 33 (0)2 41 96 21 45/06/07
English speaking research assistant :
Anne - Laure Guillaumat
00 33 (0)2 41 96 21 07