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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

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The International Economy of Longevity network (Economie Internationale de la longévité), created on the 10th of April 2018, group together 18 research centers and three affiliated institutions. Its goal is to bring together research centers working on the economy of aging.

The purpose of this network is double :

- to be a display of French research on longevity and aging, with an international visibility

- and to be an instrument of cooperation and exchange between French and foreign research centers.

Demographic transitions and aging are major events affecting every contemporary economy. An already large community of economists is interested in these subjects. It's important to share their results and the work they conduct to guide the public action and operators' strategies.

GRANEM's referent : Enareta KURTBEGU

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M@rsouin (the Armorican Mole of Research on the Information Society and the Uses of the INternet) is what we call a "Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique" (GIS - Scientific Interest Group). It was created in 2002 on the initiative of the Regional Council of Brittany. It federates researchers in Human and Social Sciences working on the uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

The research institutions members of the GIS are four universities from Brittany and three prestigious universities (IMT Atlantique, Ensai and Sciences-Po Renne, as well as, since 2017, the universities from the Pays de Loire region. 

M@rsouin's originality is based on the networking of multidisciplinary teams in Human and Social Sciences, sharing a common interest for the turmoil brought by the digital revolution in our societies.

M@rsouin allows its researchers to mutualize tools: methodological expertise on the one hand, and research support structures on the other hand. The M@rsouin observatory thus regularly provides an inventory of digital uses in Brittany. 

M@rsouin's research also relies on Loustic, a laboratory for observing ICT uses.

GRANEM's referents: Elodie JARRIER and Marianne LUMEAU

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The OPTIMA chair is a link between local actors ( (elected territorial civil servants), and teacher-researchers from the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour, specialists in local public management.



- To establish an observatory of local management's innovation and governance, in order to better know and understand the practices concerned.

- To share these innovations on a national and local scale, between academics and practitioners

- Accompanying local authorities in the implementation of these innovative practices

- To constitute a collaborative laboratory for manufacturing local innovation, by being a source of proposals in terms of innovative tools and operating methods.  

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The Joint Technological Unit STRATège, supported by ASTREDHOR - Technical Institute of Horticulture in partnership with AGROCAMPUS OUEST, INRA and the University of Angers, has been labeled by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in January 23, 2017 for a period of 5 years. It aims to revitalize the French horticultural sector around the issue of the urban horticultural market through a transdisciplinary approach involving plant sciences, management sciences and economics.

This transdisciplinarity is necessary to approach the issue of urban plants in its entirety. It allows us to focus on the expectations and behaviours of consumers living in cities, but also on the effects of the constraints inherent to urban environments on plant development (reduced surface area, difficult environmental conditions, limited maintenance, etc.). The originality of UMT STRATège lies in this multidisciplinarity and the creation of new collaborations between different fields of expertise to respond to the problems of the urban horticultural market as a whole.

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The CNRS Research Federation n°3435 Travail Emploi et Politiques Publiques is both the largest multidisciplinary federation of research on labor and employment and one of the main operators of public policy evaluation in France. It federates 190 researchers and teacher-researchers, 140 doctoral students, mainly economists, sociologists and managers in 9 laboratories of 9 universities in the Paris region and the provinces. About 40 researchers from outside the federated laboratories are also associated with the federation.

Its goal is to respond to the demand for impact evaluation of social programs using advanced technologies combining theoretical and econometric modelling, qualitative research techniques and controlled experiments.

GRANEM referents: Xavier PAUTREL and Gildas APPERE

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The Mixed Technological Network "Processing of organic products".
Production of tools and methods helping companies to be more efficient.
Contribution to better define and even change the regulations on organic agriculture.
Production of communication and teaching tools.
Construction of research projects to remove identified obstacles to the processing of organic products.
Connection of French R&D networks and projects to European platforms and partners.

The RMT ACTIA TRANSFOBIO is a network of reference and technical expertise on subjects related to organic agriculture and processing in all sectors.

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