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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Séparés par des virgules

Grand Séminaire du GRANEM

Anna Dubel, PhD


Anna Dubel, qui travaille actuellement à AGH University of Science and Technology à Cracovie en Pologne, sera sur Angers du 11 au 15 octobre, dans le cadre d'une mobilité Erasmus +. Pour l'occasion, elle a accepté de présenter aux membres du GRANEM une partie de ses travaux de recherche.


Titre de sa présentation : "Cost-Benefit Analysis of climate change adaptation measures"

Résumé : Climate change is a recognized issue worldwide as it yearly brings losses due to extreme events as well as slow-onset events in many courtiers. In particular disturbing are low-probability, high impact events. During the seminar the research on climate change adaptation measures with the use of the Cost-Benefit Analysis performed by Dr Anna Dubel from the Department of Management AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow will be presented. In particular the methodology for economic assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation measures in the water management sector in urban and rural areas will be discussed. Risk assessment, impacts analysis and assessment, quantification of costs and benefits as well as challenges related to the research methods will be discussed.

I am looking forward to the discussion on the applications of this research and insights from insights from other research experiences. 


Le 12 octobre de 12h à 13h, salle du conseil en DEG

