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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Séparés par des virgules

Séminaire transversal Prof invité

- Rachel S. SHINNAR (qui réalise un cours de International Team Management, spécialisée en Finance entrepreneurial) du Appalachian State University Walker College of Business


Intentions to reenter venture creation: The effect of entrepreneurial experience and organizational climate

We identify and examine an important but overlooked group of entrepreneurs – individuals who have started one or more business ventures in the past but are currently employed in established
organizations. We label these individuals as ‘organizationally employed former entrepreneurs’ (OEFEs). Our goal is to provide insight into the factors affecting their serial entrepreneurship
intentions, that is, their intentions to reenter entrepreneurship by re-engaging in venture creation. Applying Schneider’s attraction-selection-attrition theory, we identify factors that are
likely to affect serial entrepreneurship intentions of OEFEs: the length of their venture creation experience and the climate of their employing organizations. Using survey data from 196 OEFEs,
we show that the length of OEFE venture creation experience is positively related to their serial entrepreneurial intentions and that this relationship is negatively moderated by the organizational
structure and entrepreneurial orientation of the organization in which the OEFEs are employed.


How Social Entrepreneurs use Story Telling to Establish Legitimacy

This study explores how social entrepreneurs use story telling as a vehicle of persuasion to convince their stakeholders of the legitimacy of their social ventures. Given the inherent uncertainty involved with starting a new venture, establishing legitimacy is not a unique concern for social entrepreneurs. Most entrepreneurs, especially those who establish new ventures and seek support (financial or otherwise) from stakeholders, are faced with the challenging task of convincing those stakeholders of the potential success of their new venture. While many entrepreneurs seek to establish legitimacy with potential investors, they also need to do so with other stakeholders such as customers, service providers, employees as well as the communities in which they do business.  The challenge to support legitimacy, however, is even more significant for those entrepreneurs who introduce a radically novel business concept and thus have fewer grounds at their disposal to support legitimating claims. Based on interviews with ten established social entrepreneurs in the city of Istanbul, we seek to identify the strategies used to accomplish this goal. This information can be valuable for those individuals seeking to create social ventures and obtain support from various stakeholders such as investors, employees, customers and the communities in which they operate.


Organisé par Catherine Crapsky
