- Index
- >Chairs
- >Rules and Markets Chair
- >Committee members
Executive Committee
- Serge BLONDEL (GRANEM Director)
- Antoine BUTROT (Regional Company of Auditors, Angers)
- Lionel Escaffre (Chair Director)
- Michèle Favreau (Dean of the faculty of Law, Economy and Management, Angers)
- Cécile Jarry Lethu (Associate Director)
Scientific Committee
- Paul Basthiste (Cabinet FITECO)
- Serge Blondel (GRANEM Director)
- Jean François Casta (Professor - CEREG Paris Dauphine)
- Catherine Crapsky (Lecturer - GRANEM)
- Lionel Escaffre (Director)
- Isabelle Faucher (Cabinet Becouze)
- Gérôme Gauriau (Institute of Chartered Accountants, Pays de la Loire)
- Jean Claude Guillet (Cabinet STREGO)
- Catherine Kuszla (Professor - GRANEM)
- Philippe Marini, Sénateur (Finance Committee Reporter)
- Sandra Palmero (Management Director Faculty of Law, Economy and Management, Angers)
- Sébastien Rocher (Professor - GRANEM)
- Bruno Séjourné (Lecturer - GRANEM)
- Peter Walton (Group ESSEC)