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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Séparés par des virgules

Grand séminaire de Sabri Boubaker

Pour ce premier grand séminaire de la rentrée universitaire, l'Axe 3 du Granem invite

M. Sabri Boubaker
Professeur de Finance à l'EM Normandie Business School (France)

Professeur Sabri Boubaker est l’éditeur de Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting (Wiley, ISI Q1, Scopus Q1; IF 9.4, CiteScore 9.1 est membre du comité éditorial des revues académiques en comptabilité et finance, telles que British Journal of Management, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money (AE), International Review of Financial Analysis (AE), International Review of Economics and Finance (AE), International Journal of Finance & Economics (AE), Emerging Markets Review (SE), Finance Research Letters (AE), and Global Finance Journal (AE). 

Sabri Boubaker est également le co-fondateur et le co-président des conférences annuelles Paris Financial Management Conference (2013–2022),  Vietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance (depuis 2016) et Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Financial Economics.

  • Titre de la présentation

    "Navigating Climate Changes: How Do Adaptation Initiatives Affect Corporate Debt Choice."
  • Résumé

    Climate change adaptation initiatives are designed to navigate climate change. However, it is unclear how firms and creditors perceive regulatory risks and adaptation strategies associated with such initiatives. Employing the staggered introduction of state-level climate change adaptation plans as quasi-exogenous shocks, we find that initiating such plans significantly increases the reliance on private debt financing for affected firms. This effect is more pronounced among firms prone to suffer from climate risks, with more fragile fundamentals and higher information asymmetries. Our findings shed light on how climate issues determine the perceptions of various types of creditors and affect corporate decisions.

Mercredi 9 octobre
De 13h à 14h, en salle du Conseil, Faculté de Droit, Économie, Gestion
Accessible en distanciel sur ce lien.
