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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Séparés par des virgules

Grand séminaire de Roxana Hatos

Mercredi 18 décembre 2024
De 14h30 à 16h00, en salle du Conseil , Faculté de Droit, Économie, Gestion
Accès en distanciel possible sur demande

Dans le cadre d'un researcher mobility program EU Green, le Granem invite pour son prochain grand séminaire

Mme Roxana Hatos

PhD Researcher, Research Centre for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Oradea, Romania

  • Titre de la présentation

     « Assessing the Impact of Entrepreneurial Education on Entrepreneurial Intentions among Romanian Doctoral Students and Postdoctoral Researchers »

  • Abstract

In the context of the intensely debated topic of the impact of entrepreneurship education on students’ entrepreneurial intentions, the current paper presents findings of the entrepreneurial intentions of a group of doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers from different fields of study enrolled in the SmartDoct project—an entrepreneurship education project co-financed through the European Social Fund and implemented by the University of Oradea, Romania, between 2019 and 2022.

Our paper investigates individual-level determinants of the intention to become an entrepreneur, grounding in the social-cognitive, planned behaviour, and human capital theories. Using content analysis of semi-structured interviews, the paper offers insights into the narratives related to the entrepreneurial intentions of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, including relevant suggestions regarding the impact of gender, field of study, perceived influence of behavioural control, social norms concerning social support, and of the role models.

Our results document the capacity of entrepreneurial programmes to encourage business initiation via stimulating entrepreneurial self-efficacy, the importance of perceived behavioural control on explaining entrepreneurial intention, and the value of social support and of role models, as well as the salience of the gender and field of study in explaining the net effect of entrepreneurial training in the case of students enrolled in advanced research programmes.

  • Dominant Research Areas

    •    Education and Labor Market: Analyses of the relationship between education, skills, and labor market demands.
    •    Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Studies on the determinants of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education.
    •    Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Investigations into the social actions of companies, particularly SMEs.
    •    Digitalization and Education: The impact of technology on the quality of education and associated services.
    •    Contextual and Policy Factors: The relationship between educational policies and economic and social performance.

