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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Séparés par des virgules

Grand séminaire Granem - IAE

Jeudi 2 février 2023
De 13h à 14h, Salle du Conseil DEG - IAE


Employee green behaviors. The essence, dimensions and relevance for pro-environmental business policies and practices


Prof. Aldona Glińska-Neweś, PhD works at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management,
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, as the Head of the Scientific Discipline Council in
Management and Quality Studies and the Head of the Department of Organizational Behavior and
Marketing, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń.
Her research interests refer to the organizational behavior, notably to interpersonal relationships
at work, cross-cultural management issues and micro-foundations (individual behaviors) of
responsible business practices Among various research projects conducted and led by her there
are those related to social innovations, positive social change in an organization, and relational
conditions of decision-making process in teams.


The success of corporate environmental initiatives depends, among other things, on the willingness of individual employees to engage in the pro-environmental actions which not only contribute to the greening of organizations but also positively affect climate change and prevent further environmental degradation. However, development of research and practice in this domain is restricted by extensively diversified terminology, fragmented catalogues of behaviors and incoherent measurement approaches. From a variety of terms describing such behaviors, the concept of Employee Green Behaviors (EGB) is the most comprehensive one. The aim of this seminar is to present the concept of EGB, its dimensions (categories of behavior), together with results of the study verifying a measuring scale of EGB and first rough conclusions from a survey investigating organizational context of EGB.
