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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Séparés par des virgules

Journée d'échange avec Jonathan Luffarelli


Le Dr. Jonathan LUFFARELLI, Dean of Research – Assoc. Pr of Marketing, Montpellier Business School, invité par Fanny Thomas nous fait l’honneur de présenter un séminaire sur la journée du mardi 6 septembre dans le cadre de l’axe DAEO, également ouvert à tous les collègues susceptibles d’être intéressés.


Ce séminaire très riche sera l’occasion de partager nos recherches et d’échanger sur des bons conseils de publications appliquées aux méthodes quantitatives.



  • Matin (9h30-12h): Echanges sur les présentations des membres du Granem dont doctorants incluant des méthodologies quantitatives (marketing, RH, économie expérimentale, etc)
  • Déjeuner
  • Grand Séminaire (12h30-13h15) “The effects of brand aesthetics and brand personality on brand equity”
  • Atelier de partage de connaissances (13h15-14h) « Bons conseils pour la publication », Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Business Venturing, Human Resource Management as well as leading managerial outlets (ex. : H. B. Review and The  Conversation)
  • Discussion avec les membres du Granem sur les stratégies de publication (14h-16h)



Dr. Jonathan LUFFARELLI is Dean of Research and Associate Professor of Marketing at Montpellier Business School (Montpellier, France). He holds a Ph.D. from IE Business School (Madrid, Spain). Prior to joining Montpellier Business School, he worked as an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Cass Business School (London, UK; 2015-2018) and as an Adjunct Professor of Marketing at IE Business School (Madrid, Spain; 2012-2015). His main research interests lie in understanding the effects of brand aesthetics and brand personality on brand equity. To carry out his research, he employs various empirical methods and techniques, including experiments, surveys, and the analysis of secondary data. His research has been published in premier academic journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Business Venturing, and Human Resource Management as well as leading managerial outlets such as Harvard Business Review and The Conversation. For more information, please visit:
