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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

Séparés par des virgules

GRANEM Workshop

Room 14, School of Law, Economics, and Management at the University of Angers


09h00-09h30   Prof. Dr. Ilona Bučiūnienė : “Customer reaction to employment of persons with disability: a field quasi-experiment”

09h30-10h00   MCF Dr Diana Pop : “How fair are the fair price standards?”


10h00-10h15   pause / café


10h15-10h45   Vytautas Zukauskas : “Natural interest rate: different notions and estimation problems”

10h45-11h15   MCF Dr Jésus H. Nze-Obame : “Impact of the French Pension Reform of 1993 on Individual Pension Wealth”


11h15-11h30   pause / café


11h30-12h00   Prof. Dr Valdonė Darškuvienė : “Corporate governance and company performance in CEE countries: an empirical analysis”


12h00-12h30   Prof. Dr Guido Hülsmann : “The Political Economy of Liquidity”


14h00             Prof.  Peter Klein, Professeur, (Baylor University, Texas), "Universities as Innovators: The Effects of Academic Incubators on Innovation"
