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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

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Séminaire de l'Axe 1The Effect of Monetary Incentives on Professional Behavior In a Field Experiment

Jeudi 27 février
De 10h00 à 11h00 en salle du Conseil (1er étage de la Faculté de Droit, Économie Gestion)
Distanciel accessible sur demande.

Serge Blondel, économiste et membre du Granem, interviendra lors du prochain séminaire dans le cadre des travaux de l'Axe 3.

  • Titre de la présentation :

The Effect of Monetary Incentives on Professional Behavior In a Field Experiment

Co-autrice : Ngoc-Thao Noet, laboratoire ERUDITE

  • Abstract : 

Our original meta-analysis shows that online experiments have experienced strong growth since Covid. They have even taken “market share” over laboratory experiments. Contacted by email, 352 staff or students from the same university participated online in a prisoner's dilemma, representing a participation rate of 7\%. There were 50\% students and employees. A third knew they were going to actually get paid, while the others faced hypothetical stakes, the same size as the paid stakes or very large. Students participate more with real payments, unlike professionals. They are also less cooperative. Overall, paying subjects has effects that remain marginal, which favors studies with hypothetical issues.
Keywords: Incentives, Online experiment, Prisoner’s dilemma.
JEL Classification: C72, C93

