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Groupe de Recherche ANgevin en Économie et Management

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Workshop "Check before you collect": present your experimental design

Réseau REECAP / Atelier Partage de Connaissance


Chairs: Marianne Lefebvre (Angers University) and Fabian Thomas (Osnabrück University)


Presentations will last approx. 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion (20 minutes in total). Presentations will follow the following template:

1) Context/Background information

2) Hypothesis: what's the main question being asked or hypothesis being tested in the study?

3) Dependent variable: describe the key dependent variable(s) specifying how they will be measured.

4) Conditions/treatments: how many and which conditions will participants be assigned to?

5) Analyses: specify exactly which analyses you are planning to conduct to examine the main question/hypothesis.

7) Sample size: how many observations are you planning to collect? How exactly was this number determined?

8) Pending questions: questions to be shared with the workshop participants


Conditions to submit an abstract:

- The experiment should be related to REECAP topics: agricultural policy and/or decision-making in the agricultural sector

- The data collection should not have started (or only pilot data).

- Presentations by PhD students are particularly welcome

- The participants commit to submit their design on (or alternative pre-registration platform) following the workshop and before their data collection starts.



- August 16: deadline for participants to submit a short description of the experiment they would like to present. This short description should include at least the first 4 items described above. Submission by email to

- August 27: notification to selected presenters

- September 6: deadline for registration of participants

- September 10: online workshop


Freely register under this link

Le 10 septembre de 14h à 17h
